Image: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow

To gain a better perspective on our lives, we need to experience different points of view from a variety of angles.

One way to increase our understanding and effectiveness as a human being is to use a “microscope” to review the past details of our lives. This examination focuses on the ordinary, day-to-day life events.

We also need to consider ourselves through the lens of a “telescope,” to project our potential, determine our expectations and make preparations to effectively make the journey. We must garner a glimpse of what skills we’ll need to acquire, attitudinal changes to make, and what friendships and relationships to harvest to help follow our paths to success. In short, looking at the bigger picture of life.

Most importantly we need to take it one day at a time and enjoy the journey right where we are, right now.

And as we learn to shift our attention to the perspective of a higher plane and look unemotionally at our lives, we gain valuable insights about where we have been and where we are going.

The real work, of course, doesn’t begin until we decide to do something about it, and then do it!

Physical Growth
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