Image: The Scorecards of Life

How do you know if you are winning in the game of Life?

One of our suggested Mentors,Jim Rohn, offers exceptional advice:

“Make measurable progress in reasonable time.”

If we adopt a philosophy that allows us to make the most of every life experience, then everything serves us—the good, the bad and the ugly.

In his Law of Optimization theory, Jay Abraham suggests:

“Optimization is the process of getting the maximum yield for the maximum duration of time from the minimal investment from everything you do today, in the future, and in the past; and from everybody and everything you come in contact with.”

Plans, goals and dreams are an important part of getting what we want in life. Evaluate your results and learn from your actions and experiences. Continue to acquire new skills and additional resources.

But don’t get lost in overplanning – it only leads to paralysis by analysis. Take Action ! Do it Now ! Determine what needs to be done next, and then do it !


Physical Growth
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