12/14/08 | Comments (0)

The usual sentiment of “Home for the Holidays” has taken on new meaning this year.

The latest figures from the government show that job losses are increasing, and that means more people are looking for work and likely to be spending less this shopping season.

Home prices are yet to stabilize, job losses are mounting, and people are losing money in their 401k’s.

Not a pretty picture, and yet, we know that whining and complaining aren’t the answer. Some individuals think that government should save us, while others like myself feel that self-responsibility is the key to financial health and wellness.

Action items that may help:

  • Go easy on debt this Holiday season
  • enjoy low cost entertainment
  • get your exercise
  • get enough sleep
  • eat healthy, don’t fill up on comfort food
  • surround yourself with positive people
  • identify your present challenges in writing
  • take THE most important thing that needs to be done, and focus your energy there
  • develop additional skills and talents that will earn income when applied

For many people, financial challenges are the heart of the problem.

If that’s you, be happy, things could be worse. There are other’s whose problem IS their HEART, either broken physically or romantically.

Financially, remember the law of holes. Stop digging. Reduce expenses. Save. Create more income.

Reread classics from power thinkers like T Harv Eker, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, George C. Clason. There are many outstanding books in our library. Keep your thoughts positive, and look for new ways of creating income.

We will profile an outstanding trader in one of our next posts who has turned this dreadful economic time into a most prosperous year.

If he can do it, so can we, but we must be willing to find new methods of letting our hard-earned capital go to work for us. “Buy and Hold” is dead, and our money is our employee, earning us a living. It is either working hard for us, or being fired for being unproductive, and we will seek out new employees.

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