The economy continues to shrivel, and is being shrink-wrapped by the media hype of gloom and doom.
We have had our share of Asian contagion, mad cow disease, Y2K, and other memorable fears.
The reality is that life goes on, (and that’s a good thing), and we must continue to put forth our best effort at raising the bar for our financial security.
There are some things that money can’t buy , for everything else there’s…
Well, either we have it or we don’t. If we don’t have it, then we can borrow it, and pay it back later, with interest of course.
Getting off that treadmill is not as easy as it sounds.
Breaking the cycle of credit card debt is one of the most important first steps we can do to move down the road towards our financial freedom.
Saving, although unglamorous, is another.
Raising our income through income-producing businesses is vital to anyone who wants to break the trap of working for a living.
It has never been easier to begin International Commerce via Web-based businesses, through template designers like Darren Hoyt, Michael Pollack, Brian Gardner, and Cory Miller.
Fail our way to success; all we need is one good idea.
How about masterminding a social networking site like bebo ?
If a plan is necessary for success; putting the plan into action is vital.
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