08/15/10 | Comments (0)

Do you or a loved one need financial assistance?

I have come across a terrific, but  little known Government program designed to assist Veterans and their dependents.


If you are of my generation, you already know why it is not well known, and also why it is even harder to obtain funding in a timely fashion.




Some of you may have missed this observation by the Coke. I must warn you, I am not in love with either party, and have no love for the majority of politicians be they democrat or republican.


Bureaucracy collects our taxes, and builds an almost impenetrable fortress around itself. The fine print is there, and so deciphering this convoluted and nonsensical jargon seems like a Herculean feat.

How is a normal person expected to understand it, let alone an aging or incapacitated widow?


Life gives us lemons, make lemon aid.


Develop the will to persevere through this program, see if you are qualified, and take it one step at a time.

Key take away for me:

  • There are compassionate people who have already solved your problem, use them for resources
  • Benefits are retroactive to your filing date, so ready, fire, aim
  • Make money while we sleep is a key value for us… time waiting for approval is worth it
  • Elderly people may not have the vision (eyesight) to deal with this program, do it for them
  • Individuals usually have more common sense alone than in a group; one person can make a difference


Debbie Burak is making a difference.

Please pass this on to all you know.


On a personal note, I discovered this organization through on line searches, in an attempt to assist my own Mom. I would love to blog more in this column, but doing the best I can.

For those of you looking to take more control over your personal investing and trading, follow me here.

Sandwich generation, and having a drink of lemonade with it.

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