Image: Happiness, one step at a time

Finding a proper balance in the pursuit of our goals is like a tight rope walk along the fine line that divides complacency from over-achieving.

If we are too complacent and do not set new goals, we start to rust out. The zest for life seems to leave us when all we want to do is maintain the status quo. Constantly setting and striving for new goals is the key to maintaining energy and passion for living.

On the other hand, we need to be happy with attaining small goals—be careful to enjoy the here and now—never celebrating the victory of goals achieved will leave us with a feeling of frustration. Set a goal, achieve it, celebrate it and then start the process over again. Life is dynamic, with an ever-changing and infinite range of experiences available to us.

As your interests, friends and insights evolve, accept each day as a gift with new opportunities to grow and continue to enjoy life.

Positive Discontent means be happy where you are right now or you will never be happy. But remember to always keep stretching for new goals.

Emotional Growth
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