Interwoven into the fabric of your mind should be the clear thought that you are building a business.
Please listen: This does not mean that you are self-employed; often these people work harder, but not smarter. They run into boundaries of their time and competency and “hit the wall.” Success only breeds more success until the system breaks down.
If your direct time is involved in running the operation, you do not have a business– you have a job.
Robert Kiyosaki has clearly demonstrated this insight in his many books dealing with creating a rich and rewarding life. Moving from the mentality of being employed or self-employed into a business and investor class moves you into the land of opportunity that is inhabited by the wealthy.
Somewhere in your life plan needs to be a strategy that incorporates making profits. Your need for security may be somewhat provided for by a “job” or by being self-employed. To move beyond that level, however, more sophisticated techniques of leverage will probably be required.
No Time, No Money | No Time, Money |
Time, No Money | Time, Money |
"Being rich is having money, being wealthy is having time." - Stephen Swid