Several weeks ago we wrote about the power of being more, doing more, having more.
And we suggested that we could choose to help more people as we build our own system of resources.
Before anyone tries to poke holes in that theory, consider the effects of this talented and visionary entertainer.
Are you committed to your dream? Are you passionate about it? Do you apply all your talents and skills and heart and soul, right up to the very end?
Much focus is on these two gentlemen these days.
Truth be told, forget about them.
Go look in the mirror. Then use your energy and artistry to shape your life, your dreams, your happiness.
Wealth comes from applying timeless principles, and another Norman was one of the first modern day preachers to remind us of the importance of belief.
In this time of financial insecurity, it is more important than ever to remain committed to doing the best we can with what we’ve got.
Dream on, do on.
I like what is said here. There are timeless principles of wealth, and for me on of the best things I have ever heard is to maintain high goals, and then constantly remind yourself of them. Expanding your mind, like is said here, is essential, and thinking you can achieve will yield results.
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