03/18/09 | Comments (1)
Image: “When the solution is simple, God is answering.” 
- Albert Einstein

It’s an irony of life that simple solutions are often overlooked. Why? Because of their simplicity.

For example, go to a bookstore and observe the gazillion books available on dieting. Vegetarian diets, no-carb diets, the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet. You would think that we’d all be in great shape as a result of all these diet trends.

But are we?

No. A recent study concluded that 100% of the population of the United States will be overweight by the year 2050 if the current trend continues. So why do people spend a fortune on all this information yet belong to a society that is eating its way to obesity?

Three simple words: Comfort vs. Action.

Most people would prefer to be comfortable rather than disciplined. We think about losing weight, but fail to do what is necessary to get what we want.

Is there a simple solution available to all of us? Of course.

Want to lose weight? Eat less and see your tummy shrink. Want to save money? Bank more and watch it grow. Want more friends? Be a better friend to somebody else and see what happens.

Start today with the simple steps available to you and get going in the right direction. Continuously evaluate your progress, refine your goals, and take the steps to reach your target.

  • Posted by: high interest savings | March 23rd, 2009

    To comfort those in pain?
    Words…Speak from your soul and your heart more than mere words from your mouth.
    Actions…Allow your eyes and touch to also convey message.

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