10/10/10 | Comments (0)

SEE it.

I would have preferred to save myself a few key strokes, and used “C it”, but felt some of you would not have understood my meaning. LoL.

Words are clumsy at best, and pictures are also only half truths some times.

One of my favorite  authors continues to be Roy H Williams. If ever there was a visionary, he certainly comes to mind.

Why? Because he shakes me up from my conventional way of seeing and being and doing. He stretches me to become better at being who I want to be.




Ladders of Life are for climbing; the big question, of course, being in which direction we are climbing.


Without the ability to see a better future for ourselves, we remain stuck in a rut. No evolution, no growth.

A snake sheds its skin, and butter learns to fly.

We have the ability to choose our own destination, and frequent  course correction seems to be the difference between “where we are” and “where we want to go”.

Self-responsibility theory, to me, suggests that we alone are in control of our destiny. Not the government, not chance, not the economy, not Obamanomics.

We live in a land of opportunity, and despite the gloom and doom prevalent in these difficult times, I continually remind myself of the blessings already afforded me.  Family. Friends.  Co-workers. Health. Wealth.

Game Plan:

  1. Live within my means.
  2. Stretch my thinking and “see a next step” higher on the ladder of success in life (whatever that means to each of us).
  3. Take action and go to work on myself, my plans, my dreams.
  4. Enjoy the process: live, laugh, love
  5. Evaluate my progress periodically, and repeat steps 1-5

A good friend of mine, Eminiwizard recently reminded me of the need to do some fall housecleaning. He said to me:

E:  I think it would be fun to get out of a rut in my thinking and try on a different HallowEEn costume every day for the month of October.

WOW: Your crazy.

E: I know, but someone CrazEE told me to try it.


E: If nothing else, it will be Fun E

WOW: Won’t people be confused?

E: Mayb E . Only for a month, and Neurobics suggests it would be good for me to challenge my aging mind.

WOW: That’s a Goof E idea.

E: I know it’s Loon E, but will try it..

WOW: E, Wood you at least give me some clues how to find you if I wanted to talk about this some more?

E: Nope, it’s good for you to stretch your mind too. Do you think the market is going to tell us exactly what it’s going to do? Don’t we have to be a detective like Harr E ?

WOW: Wow E, Good point. Speaking of that, where do you think the market is going?

E: I don’t know. Step by step, day by day I try to figure it out, with the help of my assistant, Left E Lou E.

Wow:  That monk E?

E: Yes, On Friday, I called an audible. We were near the 50 yard line, midfield. I hollered : “Button hook right, snap it on 54, 58 spin and backward ladderoll, 52  sprint to the 64 and place it on the ground. (The pass was a Beaut E, that Arch E’d over the defense.) Then let’s huddle up again on the 60.5  line”.

Wow: I must be a Dumb E, tough to follow that play.

E: I had a Newb E in the room, his first day, and he said to me in an E mail: “I’m very excited to be a part of your team.” Even though it may take him time to “get it”, he already is a Visionar E. He can c it. If he can c it he can do it; and I am happy he is part of our tEEm. I find the more I help someone else, the more I help myself.

Wow: Why do that, aren’t you TEE ching the competition?

E: No, Every day is like survival, you’re my Lover, not my Rival, just like the market.

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