If you are a die hard Star Trekkian, you will have no problem remembering the thesis from this popular TV show. Tribbles seemed like harmless, lovable creatures — until it was discovered that they had an unusually short reproductive cycle. Starship Enterprise was soon cluttered with a rapidly increasing population of Tribbles.
As this year comes to an end and we embark on a voyage into another year, it might be helpful to apply the lessons learned from Tribbles as we make our New Year’s resolutions.
What kind of experiences are you currently attracting into your life? What is the reality of your current lifestyle?
Do you habitually think about wealth, poverty, or maintaining the status quo? Whether “good” or “bad,” like Tribbles, your experiences will continue to reproduce themselves in your world unless you change your thinking and your actions.
If you are surrounded by bills, problems, and over-extended credit, make the decision to take control of your financial future this year. Think constantly and work tirelessly to accomplish what you want to be, do, and have this year.
The entire staff at wizardzofwealth.com offers our best wishes to you and your family for a healthy, prosperous, and happy New Year
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