12/21/09 | Comments (2)

It is difficult to stay focused on writing positive articles these days.

This blog is one of my passions, but I have taken a brief respite from it.

Sometimes we just need a break from the routine to come back refreshed. The “real world” inevitably just cries out for more attention; so be it.

There is so much negativity these days about government spending, lackluster economy, unemployment.

Easy to focus on the negatives, but that will only bring us more of the same.

Focusing on where we want to go, what we want to be, do, and have is a universal secret to success in life.

As we get older, we still have these needs, but our priorities shift. Granchildren come, close relatives become ill, we lose friends and loved ones to disease and father time.


Jim Rohn, a friend, mentor, and a giant if there ever was one, will be missed.

He was an inspiration to me; if you have not yet discovered him, spend a little time with this “voice of value”.


This year is all but gone, and I hope it has been good for you.

Resolve to begin where you are, and create the life you want to enjoy for yourself and your family. Step by step, day by day.

I always start preparing for next year by being appreciative for the blessings I have already received, before I ask for more.

My wife and I will be putting together our list of “top 10” experiences for the year, and I can assure you many of those items will have nothing to do with money.


How can we have it all and give it away?


How can Tiger Woods, athlete of the decade, even look in the mirror and smile at his own reflection?

Not for me to say, but an idol has fallen in my eyes.


Keep on keeping on; no one said it would be easy.

Happy Holidays to all.

  • Posted by: Chris Jason | December 28th, 2009

    I love the idea of creating a top 10 list of experiences for the year. So easy to forget great moments soon after they end. I’ll be making my list this week… just wish I would have thought of this in past years! Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Posted by: Dennis Parmelee | December 28th, 2009

    Chris, We have done this for years. I got the idea from Jim Rohn. Comparing our results with our dreams brings into focus the areas to celebrate as well as the mountains that still need climbing.

    Maintaining friendships with kindred spirits like you helps make the game more fun.

    I bet that trip to Hawaii shows up somewhere on your list…

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