“Vision” is an important aspect of any worthwhile success. Olympic and professional athletes have learned to “see” the perfect result of their performance in their mind’s eye before they even begin to compete.
What about you? Do you see your future before it happens? Do you expect the best to happen? Are you confident in your destiny?
“Positive thinking” is an essential element of any deliberate plan to be wealthy. But it falls short of being the only determiner of success.
The bottom line can be summed up with this simple idea:
Are you a viewer or a doer?
Act! Act! Act! The best plan in the world will never produce any results without decisive action being taken. Some people are afraid of taking risks, some people fear failure, and some fear success. Some are paralyzed by analysis, and others talk a good game but do not have the courage or resources to implement their plans.
Whatever the reason, who cares? Get in the zone and “just do it.” Nike has built a fabulous brand around this theme because of the power in its simplicity.
We learn from our mistakes, make adjustments, and move on with the wisdom attained through experience. Taking controlled risks is the key that unlocks the door to financial freedom.
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